Saturday, 20 October 2012

Non-existing hotel sold?

I read in Oman Observer last week that Garden Hotel in Dhofar region was sold for an amount that is quite decent in hotel value terms (RO 10 million).

On one hand such transactions are reassuring that there are encouraging prospects on the hotel market on the other hand it left me a bit puzzled as I had no previous knowledge of a Garden Hotel in Oman. I though it's just my lack of knowledge. Quickly searched around but still found nothing.   So it's quite a lot of money for a hotel that is nowhere to be found, I thought.  Then saw some raised eyebrows on twitter from others following Omani press as well, they also had no clue what this could be.

There must be something somewhere for sure, most likely a development project (but the article does not mention this).

I can only think of two scenarios: 1: we are dealing with a PR trick raising peoples interest (like me blogging about it) - very unlikely though.  2. it's just lack of publishing accuracy and journalistic interest putting something out that was not really verified and made sense of - more likely.

Anyways, whenever there will be a Garden Hotel in Dhofar region I hope it will do well.


  1. ynotoman.wordpress.com20 October 2012 at 13:37

    Without having any background information and considering that the name might be ..فندق البستان.
    The name could simply be a company name with land rights for development esp given thats it an LLC.
    You might also check out the name of the board director on the purchasing company & directors on Bank Dhofar and the seller of 'Garden Hotel' for common family connections. It may well be simply shifting assets around

  2. Could be...but than what's the point of filling the press with the news. Today I just saw international hotel press quoting it...:)

  3. Filled the press is an every day occurrence esp. for name checks and to create substance
