Sunday 10 March 2013

Most popular Omani blogs

It's been a while since I posted. No excuses, just travel, work and lack of inspiration.

A fellow blogger and social media professional (if there is such a term) Maurizio, who is running the Omani Collective Intelligence blog on social media and PR issues in Oman, has recently posted an updated ranking of Omani blogs.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Omanly qualifying as 19th on the list of 46. Given that I usually cover a rather narrow set of topics and my posting intensity is more or less in line with the pace of life in the Sultanate, I am proud of this result.

Thanks all of you for your interest. In case you work in a tourism related area and find anything  relevant inhere, and more over, you perhaps can even use it in your work, well then I have certainly achieved my goal.

The season is soon over, with a bit of well deserved rest to come for everybody. Once this is done, let's shake up the brain cells and come up with fresh new things to make this country excel in originality and appeal of its tourism offering.


  1. I think it is because your posts are so well thought out mashaAllah.

    1. Thanks. Yours are just simply enjoyable :)

  2. Well done on your listing. This is the first time I have found your blog and it is very nice to read and well thought through, I'll add it to my blog roll :)


    1. congrats to your 12th as well. have done the same here...
      (I envy you on your RedBull ride...:)
